
Livet med den sjeldne sykdommen

Amna har skrevet litt om hennes erfaringer og opplevelser i møte med Huntingtons sykdom. Hun deler blant annet en historie fra et møte med en familie fra Pakistan og drar frem det tverrfaglige arbeidet med ergoterapeut og fysioterapeut på Grefsenlia.
Amna Aslam, lege v/N.K.S. Grefsenlia ressurssenter

Huntingtons sykdom: Veiledning

Til deg som ønsker å få mer kunnskap om Huntingtons sykdom. Du kan være berørt ved at du selv eller andre i din familie kan ha arvet genfeilen for Huntingtons sykdom. Du kan være en fagperson som ønsker å styrke din kompetanse om sykdommens forløp og utfordringer. Eller du kan være en pårørende eller en venn.
Senter for sjeldne diagnoser

Speech and language difficulties in Huntington’s disease: A qualitative study of patients’ and professional caregivers’ experiences

Findings shed a light on everyday communication challenges faced by people with HD and their professional caregivers, and the lack of implementation of communication aids in this group. The dramatic impact of HD on patients’ communication skills underscores the need to include SLTs in the follow-up of this patient group, ideally from the early stages of the disease, while the patient is still capable of voicing his/her own wishes and thoughts. Future research that explores how to optimize communication and implement the use
of AACs for individuals with HD is needed
Thea Nygaard Grimstvedt, Jeanette Ullmann Miller, Marleen Regina van Walsem and Kristin J. Billaud Feragen

A standard of care for Huntington’s disease: who, what and why

“This paper is an introduction to seven papers that accompany it, all of which are from the Standards of Care working group from within the European Huntington’s Disease Network. It gives the background to the group and its work, and presents a summary of the Managed Care Network which is advocated by the group.”
European Huntington’s Disease Network.


Ansvarlig for nettsidene:

Webkoordinator: Lise Hall Johnsen.

Ranheim HVS

Ranheim helse og velferdssenter

Ranheimsveien 179A, 7053 Ranheim

Tlf 72 54 32 40



Presteheia Omsorgssenter

Presteheia 18

4633 Kristiansand

Tlf: 38 10 77 00

N.K.S. Grefsenlia

Aschehougs vei 37

0587 Oslo

Tlf.: 22 09 15 10

NKS Olaviken

Askvegen 150

5306 Erdal

Telefon: 56 15 10 00


Knorrebakken Boenheter

Knorrebakken 2

9411 Harstad 

95 00 59 41


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